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Safety on the Shop Floor in the Paint Industry: Preventing Accidents through Proper Guidance and Installation

In de verfindustrie, waar dagelijks gewerkt wordt met potentieel gevaarlijke stoffen zoals verf, oplosmiddelen en spuitinstallaties, is het essentieel om ongelukken te voorkomen. Het is niet alleen belangrijk om te reageren als zich een incident voordoet, maar vooral om proactief te werken aan het voorkomen van ongevallen. Werknemers die de juiste begeleiding en opleiding krijgen, hebben minder vaak 112 nodig, en door de juiste componenten op de juiste manier te installeren en onderhouden, kan de kans op een noodgeval aanzienlijk worden verkleind. Dit artikel bespreekt hoe het voorkomen van ongelukken in de verfindustrie effectief kan worden bereikt door middel van goede training, zorgvuldige installatie en constante waakzaamheid.
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RSI in paint spraying: causes, symptoms and effective prevention

In de verfindustrie wordt verfspuiten vaak uitgevoerd in langdurige, repetitieve bewegingen, waardoor er een risico op RSI (repetitive strain injury) ontstaat. Deze aandoening kan verschillende vormen van lichamelijke klachten veroorzaken, variërend van pijn en stijfheid tot spierzwakte en gevoelloosheid. Vooral verfspuiters die dagelijks werken met zware apparatuur of ongunstige werkhoudingen, lopen risico. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe RSI ontstaat bij het verfspuiten, welke symptomen het kan veroorzaken en hoe je dit kunt voorkomen. Met de juiste kennis en preventieve maatregelen kunnen verfspuiters gezond en productief blijven werken.
Read the article about RSI in paint spraying: causes, symptoms and effective prevention

Rotational Nebulisation or bell application: A Revolutionary Spraying Technique in Modern Industry

Rotational atomisation has taken an important place in industrial paint processes in recent years. This innovative technique offers unique advantages that set it apart from traditional spraying methods.
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Low-pressure Nebulisation Technology: An Informative Overview

Several technologies exist within the low-pressure paint spray application segment, each offering specific advantages depending on the application. Choosing the right technology determines results, efficiency and production speed.
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Low-pressure atomisation

When applying paint or coatings, there are several techniques that affect effectiveness, speed and precision. One is low-pressure atomisation, a technique in which paint or another liquid is applied via an air nozzle. This technique is especially popular for spraying thin layers and for applications that require higher control and finish.
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High-pressure atomisation: the power of Airless and Air Assisted Airless spraying techniques

The paint and coatings industry is all about precision and efficiency. One of the most widely used techniques for applying paint quickly and evenly is high-pressure atomisation, also known as Airless and Air Assisted Airless spray applications. This technology allows paint and other liquids to be sprayed with high pressure and precision, ensuring good, fast and effective results, when treating large areas or thick layers of paint. In this article, we explain how this application method works, why it is so effective, and for which applications it is best suited.
Read the article about High-pressure atomisation: the power of Airless and Air Assisted Airless spraying techniques

Did you know that the chocolate on the Pralines can be sprayed for your sweetheart?

When most people think of spraying techniques, they might immediately think of paint, coatings or other liquids applied via high-pressure systems. But did you know that the same technology is also used to apply chocolate to chocolates? The process of chocolate spraying uses the precision and power of airbrush and high-pressure spraying techniques to create an even, glossy coating on the delicate treats. This is a perfect example of how sealing applications originally developed for paint have also found their way into the world of the food industry.
Read the article about Did you know that the chocolate on the Pralines can be sprayed for your sweetheart?

B-TEC: Innovative Solutions for the Modern Paint Shop

In the ever-evolving world of paint processing, B-TEC GmbH is at the forefront when it comes to innovative and environmentally friendly solutions. We zoom in on three core products from their range that take the efficiency and sustainability of your workshop to the next level.
Read the article about B-TEC: Innovative Solutions for the Modern Paint Shop

Evolution in the Paint World: The Challenge of Sustainable Spray Equipment

The paint world is an industry in constant flux. With the introduction of new legislation around specific ingredients and the increasing focus on reducing solvent usage and emissions, the industry faces interesting challenges. These developments not only require innovation in paint technology itself, but also have a direct impact on the equipment we use.
Read the article about Evolution in the Paint World: The Challenge of Sustainable Spray Equipment